Thursday, June 11, 2009

La Festa della Republicca

June 2nd in Italy is il 2 gignuo giorno. It's their independence day. While in Rome, the main street by the Coliseum was closed off while they setup bleachers for the parade.

I left Rome right before this holiday and was in Milan. They were celebrating this holiday for the whole weekend before that Tuesday, which meant everything was closed. They don't take their holidays lightly in Italy. It is for this reason that the only food I could manage to eat while in Milan was Chinese and McDonalds (although I did try to eat all the things on the menu that they don't have in America: beer, fried shrimp, curly fries, etc.)

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Anyway, I got sick on the actual day of the festivities so I couldn't see too much of what was going on. In Milan, there wasn't too much, except for the free music performance in what is Milan's city hall. Didn't stick around for too much of it, but did catch them playing the National Anthem, Il Canto degli Italiani...which everyone watching sang along to. (Sorry for the shaky hand).

Il Canto degli Italiani from wizard on Vimeo.

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