Monday, June 1, 2009

With Regards to HeeSop...

I'm in Italy. There aren't too many asians here, but there are a few.

Interestingly enough, a bar/restaurant right near the Trevi Fountain was also serving fried rice in addition to sandwiches, etc. They had the rice displayed above some tasty-looking prosciutto and parmesan cheese wraps.

Well, I wanted one of these wraps, so I was standing by the display case and pointed at the wrap, which I wanted, and said "Quanta costa?" To which I received the reply, "The rice? You want the rice?" and the waiter immediately set to work to get me the rice. Now, I didn't really mind the assumption, except that I didn't want fried rice at the instant.

I couldn't help but crack up and laugh with the 3 white dudes who were with me at how it would make sense that I did want the fried rice and not the prosciutto.

...One of the things restaurants like to do is place waiters outside their door to convince you that you want to eat there. Again, not too many asian restaurants, but there is one Chinese restaurant near the hostel where I'm staying. Two Chinese guys spend all day trying to entice people to come in...usually no luck. And they usually look pretty depressed about it.

Except when I walk by. I notice their faces start to perk up as I approach them on their block...and you know what, I think I found my two best friends in Rome.

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